June 14, 2008


Shock horror! I've actually won a competition!

Well, more of a prize draw really, but it doesn't matter how I did it, the important thing is..... I won a Nintendo Wii !!

It must be fate. We've just had a widescreen TV installed in the office, and I asked for the console to be delivered there as well. If I had it sent to my home address I'd probably have to go and get it from the depot, and I've no idea where that is. Also, at the moment, there seems to be a problem with my post at home. I haven't had anything delivered for nearly a week. It's a bit worrying. Some Lovefilm DVDs are lost in transit somewhere.

But I'm straying from the point. The important thing is I can now stand in front of a telly making a complete idiot of myself while I swing an imaginary golf club through the air, or pretend to box an invisible opponent.

..I can't wait for it to arrive.

p.s. It comes with a few games, but I've ordered an Agatha Christie game off e-bay already. Something to relax to at the end of the day.

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