May 15, 2008

Caoimhe Gillian

Born 11.58am May 13th 2008

9lbs 1.5oz

...I've been smiling ever since.

(and before you ask, it's pronounced 'Keeva')

EDIT: Edited to add that Sarah-Jayne is heading home today from hospital. By the sound of it Caoimhe is already the size of a 3 month old, never mind 3 days! She could enter a milk drinking contest and win hands down. She can also do a perfect impression of Maggie from The Simpsons when she is asleep with her pacifier :o)

Just over a week til I get to meet her and hold her. I can't wait. Hopefully I'll be bringing her buggy over with me too, it's stuck in Preston at the moment.

1 comment:

Ali said...

Am really happy for you Dad! :o)