May 17, 2008

Twenty20 Cricket Ticket

I've finally got hold of a ticket for a Twenty20 game at the Rosebowl down here in Hamsphire. The Hawks vs Middlesex Crusaders, June 11th. I love the new format of the game. I know the older generation of cricket fans think it is killing the sport, but I honestly believe it's breathing new life into it. More importantly it's getting people through the turnstiles for all games at all levels, and that can't be a bad thing.

Anyway, the point of the blog entry is to transcribe the phone conversation I had to endure to get this ticket. You would expect a stadium like the Rosebowl to have a professional booking service, either online or telephone based wouldn't you? After all, they are hosting R.E.M and Bon Jovi concerts this summer so they must be used to it by now.

They do have an online booking service, but for days, everytime I tried to book a seat, I got a garbled error message. After a week I decided to call their ticket office. Stupidly I called at the weekend, and got a recorded message "Sorry, the ticket office is currently closed. Our office hours are...." so I called back Monday morning instead. For the purposes of this tale, I have decided to call the operator Martha. I can't actually remember her real name, but she sounded like a 'Martha'

Martha: Good morning Hampshire Rosebowl Ticket office, how may I be of service
Me: Oh Good morning. I've been trying for some time to book a ticket for a Twenty20 game online, but I keep getting a strange error message. Is there any chance I can book a ticket through you?
Martha: I can fill out an application for you, but it will need to go to the bottom of the pile. Would you like me to proceed?

(Needless to say, this response stunned me into almost silence. I had no idea what she meant, or how big this 'pile' was...)

Me: Erm, Ok. Lets proceed.
Martha: Fine, I just need to take a few details

(At this point she took the usual name, phone number, address, inside leg measurement etc off me)

Martha: ..and which game were you looking at attending?
Me: Erm the game on June 11th, the Twenty20 game.
Martha: Ok, and how many tickets would you be requiring for this game?
Me: Just the one.
Martha: Oh, just one? Would you not like to bring someone? All seats are allocated so your friend's seat would be next to you?

(Now this is getting weird. Is she trying to psychoanalyse me now? is she trying to reach into the depths of my inner soul and find out why I'm travelling alone?)

Me: No, thant's fine it will just be me.
Martha: Ok, and where would you like to sit?
Me: I'm not familar with the Rosebowl, it'll be my first time there. Where would you recommend.
Martha: Would you like the North Stand?
Me: I'm not familar with the layout of the Rosebowl. Are those good seats?
Martha: It's inbetween the East and West stands

(I was going to make a comment here....but I'm still stunned she actually said that)

Me: When I was booking online I think I liked the look of Stand M, it's opposite the pavilion isn't it?
Martha: M stand. Yes that's part of the North Stand.
Me: Opposite the pavilion?
Martha: Next to East Stand

(I was close to giving up here, but I was desperate for the ticket)

Me: Ok, Stand M will be fine.
Martha: So that's one ticket only, North Stand for June 11th. £15 as it's an advance booking. Is that ok?
Me: That's fine.
Martha: So that's £16 to pay. How would you like to pay?
Me: Sorry, £16. I thought you said it was £15
Martha. All bookings are subject to a £1 charge for the booking process.
Me: Couldn't you just add the £1 to the ticket price instead? advertise that all tickets are £16 inc booking fees?

(There was a considerable pause here. I think I might have been the first person to question their booking fee)

Martha: ....All bookings are subject to a £1 charge for the booking process. So how would you like to pay?

(After giving her my debit card details etc the transaction was completed.

Martha: Thank you for your application. It is now at the bottom of the pile and will be processed within 7 days. You'll receive an e-mail confirmation that your application has been successful and then the ticket will follow shortly after in the post.
Me: Thank you very much.
Martha: Anything else I can help you with today Mr Gibson?
Me: Oh, just one little thing....

...Won't you need my e-mail address to send the confirmation to?

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