May 07, 2008

Damaged Bread Mix

Sorry to my loyal reader(s) for a quiet blog recently. Sadly, life down here hasn't been thrilling enough to warrent a new entry.

For the past week, it's all been about SJ, and waiting for baby to make it's debut appearance. My previous page about her going into labour turned out to be a false alarm. She's due to be induced sometime before the weekend though, so not long to wait now.

Other than Sarah, life has just been full work shifts, sofa surfing and making another casserole. I didn't trip the fuse this time, so there was no need to wander round the flat carrying the slow cooker under my arm.

I did do a naughty thing though at the start of the week. I got a delivery from Tesco, and as I was unpacking, I punctured a packet of granary bread mix with the corner of a tin of mandarin orange segments. Normally I wouldn't have done anything about it. The bread mix was still useable, and I hadn't spilt any of the powder....

...but they had forgotton my margarine. (this is connected, trust me). I called up the helpline to get a refund for the spread and was speaking to a nice Scottish girl. After she had called up my order and deducted the Utterly Butterly the conversation went on:

"Ok Mr Gibson, I have deducted the price of the margarine from your order. Is there anything else I can help with?"

Now the correct response would have been:

"No that's fine, thanks for your help". What I actually said to her was:

"Well there is something. When the driver was taking items off his delivery trolley, he was a little heavy handed, and two of my bread mixes got damaged. I think they are still useable, but they appear to have been punctured on a tin can of some kind." How naughty was I being! Not only do I blame someone else for the damage, I double the amount of bread mix that was affected!

"Oh I am sorry Mr Gibson. Was it just two of your bread mixes? I see you ordered 5?"

"Well I only noticed two." - See what I did there? She had given me an opening to make out there was even more damage, but I gave a subtle, open answer, and left it up to her as to how she interpreted it.

"Oh well I'll refund the cost of three of them, just to be sure. Please accept my apologies for that. Anything else?"

"No, that's fine, thank you very much for the refund. Bye for now"

So there you go. I accidently damaged a food item, blamed someone else and got a triple refund! I would say I feel a bit guilty, but I've seen the declared profit margins Tesco makes each year.

...a few refunded bread mixes isn't going to break them.

P.S. as a disclaimer I should point out that the delivery driver was very friendly, and the customer service I received was first rate. Thank you Tesco

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