April 26, 2008

Random thoughts...

...of a 30-Something year old idiot.

This blog has evolved. When it first started, it was just me venting off my frustration at being alone on the South coast. As far as I knew, only one person read it, but it didn't matter, it was a great way to release ideas, thoughts, emotions and test my literary talents.

It's been over 5 months now since the first post, and the blog has definately taken a change of course. I'm no longer writing to amuse myself, by osmosis I suddenly have an audience. Family, friends, old flames, old drinking partners, pub buddies, random locals. In some ways it's quite exciting.

I have a request, to EVERYONE reading this, especially to those who have read the blog all the way through. PLEASE leave a comment on this post. Tell me honestly what you think of it so far. Be critical, or complimentary whatever is appropriate. I don't care who you are, how you know me (or even if you don't) just leave a comment on this particular post.

I have no intention of stopping this blog, in some ways it's helped me get through the loneliness of my existance, but I'd love some major feedback on what works, and what doesn't.

Thank you all in advance.


Anonymous said...

Hi Geoff

I have been reading your blog now for about a month after I randomly stumbled upon it by chance.

It has been ages since I last saw you and we didn't get the chance to have that pint we have been talking about for years!!

My point is, that reading this blog means I have a way of contacting you and a way of catching up with what is happening in your new life away from the Isle of Man.

Your style of writing makes me laugh and it also makes me think. I read your blog every day.

Geoff, you are a great bloke. Keep writing your blog and keep in touch with your friends.

Next time you are back on the IOM please look me up and we will get together for a natter over a pint or two, my shout.

Anonymous said...

I'm a regular reader, probably because I went to Uni with this 30-something Year Old Idiot.

Jackenorie said...

Me too - regular reader, mainly because Geoff keeps reminding me weekly that there is a new blog :) Luv ya mate, keep it going :) x

Anonymous said...

And I'm a regular reader too! :)
(And if you're reading this, I've managed to add my first comment at last!!)