April 25, 2008

Sarah-Jayne Part II

It must be love :o)

At 13:38 today I got a text of Sarah: I'm in labour, or should say early stages of labour.

Now, given the situation, the natural reaction should really be for me to offer her my love, wish her well and just wait til I hear more news. No. I've spent the rest of the afternoon with goosebumps, grinning like the Cheshire Cat, and trying desperately to find someone online who can provide me with updates. Work has taken a back-seat today. Even forgot to eat lunch (now that is a first!)

Thankfully Sarah has messaged me again. She's doing well, and it is very early stages. It's definately started though. I cannot believe how irritating it is being on a seperate piece of land to her. I actually feel helpless. I'm not even sure I could do anything if I was there, but the fact that I can't even offer, is really frustrating me.

...can't wait to meet the new arrival.

x x

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Im in the middle of reading all your blog its like a book! think your in the wrong job you should have been a writer!!xxBRILL