April 27, 2008

6 months

It almost slipped me by unnoticed. I've been in Southampton now for 6 months.

Looking back, not much has changed since I first arrived here. I still work long hours, I still have a broken sleep pattern, I still have 'bad' days and I still run out of money each month.

...but some things have changed. The hours maybe long, but the work is easier now I have an assistant. The sleep pattern maybe be broken, but at least I do actually sleep. There are 'bad' days but they no longer out number the good ones, and I may run out of money, but at least it's my money, not money I owe someone else.

I make the regular trips back to IOM I promised myself, I drink less (not sure if that's something I've done consciously, I think it's more to do with the fact the pub has closed down next to work), and now I have Sarah in my life, something I never thought would happen, even in my wildest dreams.

The walk to work is still the same, but now it's accompanied by Pink Floyd or The Hollies.
I have Twenty20 cricket to look forward to, and a holiday in Norfolk. It feels like the company is going places too, and thankfully I was in at the start.

...Life isn't perfect, but it's certainly getting better.

p.s. Don't forget readers, please leave a comment on the previous post. Even if it's just to say 'Hi'

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