April 29, 2008


Sorry to disappoint the chocoholics amongst you, but I'm referring to the people from the island of Malta.

I mentioned in passing in the last entry that the company I work for appears to be going places. That's certainly true, and might be all the way to the Mediterranean. Setting up the office here in Southampton and obtaining a UK gaming licence was done for commuting convenience. The local airport has direct flights to Germany, and office property here is slightly cheaper than say Manchester or Birmingham.

...but office property is even cheaper in Malta, and their taxes for gaming companies are far, far more beneficial.

Having an office there is definately what the big bosses want, but the decision hasn't been made yet whether the Southampton operation moves en masse, or if we will work across two sites. One thing is for certain if the new office opens, I will be going over there to train the new staff. Should take about 3 weeks, but if the weather's nice I'll see if I can stretch it out to the full month :)

This couldn't have come at a worse time. Right now all that is on my mind is Sarah, and the upcoming arrival of the baby. (oh, quick update. She is in some kind of slow labour, but if nothing has happened by May 8th, she will be induced). Thankfully I haven't been given a decision to make yet, but if I am, I really don't know what to do.

Option 1: I'm told that the Southampton office is shifting to Malta, new staff will be found and I train them and manage them. That would mean me relocating on a permenant basis. As it stands I'm already having a long distance relationship with Sarah, so things wouldn't change much. I could still visit her once a month. The hardest part there would be for our long term future.

Option 2: I'm told there will be two offices, I need to train the new Maltese staff, and then manage them, along with the Southampton staff too. Probably the best solution for me. Nothing changes in terms of my location, but my responsibility shoots up (and hopefully my wages). I will probably have to make regular trips to Malta at the company's expense. As far as my relationship with Sarah goes, nothing would change at all, except I might have more money :)

Option 3: Malta doesn't happen and we just stay as we are. Another promising option, but with a sense that the company doesn't want to grow. On a personal level, nothing is effected, but from a works point of view it would appear we are standing still, instead of speeding forward.

It's all up in the air at the moment, so there is no need for me to panic, or make plans. I'm just waiting for futher updates from the powers that be. In some ways I do hope the Malta plans do come together...

...if only so I can get a free holiday in the sun.


joie said...

ahh got excited then when I tought you were talking about chocolate.

Ali said...

I hope this comes to fruition and you take the opportunity to go to Malta. Like you say, you are already having a long distance relationship anyway so as long as you can get back to see Sarah nothing will be very different in terms of where you are. Maybe you'd be able to wangle her a free holiday to come and visit you after the baby is born and she is all settled! :o) I'd go for it!!!!