March 17, 2008

Playing with my Balls

Oo-er missus! Woof Woof! Carry On isn't dead! I'm talking about juggling balls of course (why, what did you think I meant?)

Well, juggling bean-bags actually. It's been ages since I picked them up and threw them around. I'm pleased to say the skills haven't deserted me. Thankfully, my office is empty at the moment, and has a huge open area in the middle.

I've even been trying a few new moves too. Starting with one on my shoe and 'flicking' it up to begin the routine, throwing one from behind my back, going 'over the top' instead of the traditional 'cross-over' technique. You name it, I've tried it.

Now I'm exhausted. You wouldn't believe what kind of energy it takes to keep it up (oo-er again!) I'm supposed to be working, but this is much more entertaining.

...Mr Happy is back!

p.s. Happy Birthday Dad!! and Happy St Patrick's Day to anyone who 'celebrates' it.

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