March 16, 2008

It Couldn't Last

Happiness level fading :o(

I've had a crap weekend in work on my own. Constantly dealing with idiots inbetween trying to do my job. I got drenched on the way home last night as the heavens opened just as I stepped out of the office (and I was wearing trainers with a hole in the sole).

My neighbour decided he'd allow the entire student population of Southampton to invade his flat until 4am last night, and one of them forced open the fire escape window right outside my front door. This had the knock-on effect of causing the hall door to bang all through the rest of the night and keep me awake. (I didn't know that was what was causing it to bang until I left for work this morning at 7am and found the window wide open. I thought it was just more visitors causing the banging).

Now I've got a splitting headache. It can't be alcohol induced because I've been dry for a week. Probably an overdose of carrot batons, but whatever it is, my head is thumping.

My computer is on a go slow which is so frustrating. I am extremely tired because of the lack of sleep. Maybe that is causing the pounding inside my skull.

I'm trying desperately to keep Mr Happy alive, but Mr Grumpy is doing his best to evict him.

Next day off is Saturday, and I've got a ticket to football game. Chin up, only 6 more days til then.

....I'm counting the hours.

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