March 15, 2008

Still Mr Happy

It's Saturday evening. I've been in work all day (well since 7am anyway) and I've not been able to take a break..... but I'm still happy. I have absolutely no idea what the matter with me is, but I'm just in a nice mood.

I suppose it could be something to do with my recent attempt to look after myself. It's been 2 full weeks of being 'healthy' and if nothing else, it's kept my bank account looking normal.

for 14 days I have...

Had my '5 a day' fruit portions
Had my '3 a day' whole wheat portions
Had 2,000 calories or less a day
Drank at least 5 pints of water a day
Had a total of only 6 units of alcohol (3 pints of beer in other words)
Had less than 15g of saturated fat a day
Had less than 4g of salt a day

I'd say the only thing I might have had more than the acceptable level of is carbohydrates because I've had bread and/or pasta every day too.

I only started this because I was worried I had too many outgoings this month, and if I was going to cut out the expense of the pub, I might as well go the whole hog and eat sensibly too. As it turned out, my expenses were no different to last month but I wasn't to know that! Good job really because fresh fruit can become very expensive!

As a reward I've treated myself to a cheap digital camera, new towels, an ipod shuffle (to brighten up the tedious walk to work) and finally a ticket to next weeks Southampton FC game against Coventry. There is no way I could of afforded all of these if I'd been in the pub as often as I usually am.

My sleep pattern hasn't improved much, but at least I now have a pleasant disposition :o)

...Every silver-lining has a cloud though. My knowledge of the database of questions in the pub quiz machine is fading fast.

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