March 18, 2008

My Personal Secretary

..Well not quite, but sometimes it feels like that.

Let me explain. As you may have gathered from previous blog entries, I work in a 'Suite' in a office block, a block occupied by several other companies. I spent much of my working time alone. My colleague spends 4-5 days a week in Germany, and my assistant is usually in the office when I'm not (no point having two people in at the same time doing the same job)

Opposite our suite is an architect firm. There seems to be about 4 people working there, one of which is a receptionist. Her name is Helena, and she seems to spend most of her day making cups of tea and dealing with the post. She also spends a lot of her time looking after me too!

Every day she collects our post from the main door and delivers it to me. I've never asked her to, she just does it out of kindness. She offers me cups of coffee (even though I've told her politely several times I don't drink coffee). I think she wants to mother me. She always seems deeply concerned that I'm working long hours on my own!

Last Friday we were chatting and she said she was looking forward to finishing work and relaxing over the weekend. I told her I was in the office all day Saturday and Sunday, and I thought she was going to burst into tears!

All I know about her is she gets the number 17A bus to work, she moved to Southampton from the Falkland Islands (not sure why, but I guess it's probably her partner's work) and she drinks white wine when she's in the pub Her working hours are 8.30am til 5pm although she often stays a bit later than that.

...I'd make a great private detective :o)

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