February 12, 2008

The Trip Back Home

drunkeness level 0/5

Well back to the Isle of Man anyway, but I suppose that is my 'home'. It's where I feel most comfortable and they do say 'home is where the heart is'. My heart isn't in Manchester or Southampton, so by a process of elimination that makes IOM the winner.

4 days and nights of drinking is not doing wonders for my head however. It's a full 24 hours since my last drink and I'm still suffering. I was doing ok whilst I was there, largely due to the fact I never sobered up, but now it's all coming back to haunt me.

Dancing til 3am in a crowded nightclub, singing Kareoke when I've already lost my voice, flirting with a woman who's 8 months pregnant, flicking pound coins into ashtrays for no visible reason, telling every girl I bump into that I've been missing them so much (even though in one case I couldn't even remember her name), inviting every man, child and dog to come and visit me in Southampton.... yup, a typical weekend away.

By the time I recover, it'll be time to organise the next trip over. At least the smoking ban will be in place by then, and my coat won't smell like the exhaust pipe of a double decker bus.

Don't know who'll read this, but a few thanks are in order. Thanks to the guys who gave me a bed, much appreciated. Thanks to the Outback just for being exactly as it was before i went away, and thanks to 'J' for giving up so much of her spare time to spend it with me. I love you all.

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