December 04, 2007


Drunkeness level 0/5 (it's 9.30am !) Hang-over level (4/5)

For the first time in my 33.5 year existence I am going to have to interview someone for a job. I've been the candidate on so many occasions, but now the shoe is on the other foot.

Where do I start? Do I start by talking about them, or the company? Do I ask them about their current wage at the beginning or the end? After I've finished do I ask them if the job sounds right for them or not?

I read that people are judged in the first few seconds they meet. People are pigeon-holed by their clothes, their body language, even the strength of their hand-shake. Am I going to be judged too? Before this all began I had the attitude 'they can take me as they find me' but I keep feeling I should somehow hide who I am behind a facade. I usually go to work in jeans, trainers and a sweatshirt. Should I wear trousers, shirt and shoes this time? (well that's probably out of the question since I'm still crippled from the last time I wore shoes)

If only I could just take them to the pub, chat to them over a few pints and challenge them to a few games of pool....then I'd know who was right for the job! oh well, I can dream

p.s. Off to a flying start.... first candidate didn't even turn up!

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