December 14, 2007

Old Flame

Drunkeness level 2/5 (drinking big bottles of San Miguel at work!)

Been through a flood of emotions today. While I sit at work I often log into Facebook, check who's throwing sheep at who, who's tickling someone they shouldn't (that sort of thing).

I was very down this morning. I think it was the thought of the long stretch of work ahead of me, especially having to work all the Bank Holidays. At about 10am Monja sent me an instant message, and we chatted for at least an hour. By the time I went to lunch, I was cheerful, smiling, full of festive cheer. Monja had given me a lovely warm glow, just by keeping me company. Can't wait for her to come and visit next week.

When I came back from lunch, I sent a text to a friend to wish them all the best for their 'date' tonight, then logged back into Facebook. There was a 'Friends Request' and when I clicked on it, my entire love life flashed before my eyes.

The request was from an old flame. Well, it was more of a "fumble on the back seat" kind of relationship, but it all came flooding back to me. The last time I saw her was a brief meeting in the TT tent two years ago, nothing more than a 'Oh my God, how are you? How have you been?' etc. I accepted her friend request, and 5 minutes later she sent me a message. We chatted on-line for about half an hour, pleasantries, why are you in Southampton, what have you been doing and so on. All I wanted to say was 'God I miss you'.

...and how did it end? Well she said the next time I'm on the IOM I have to let her know so we can meet up. I got the impression from everything she wrote that she was single. Should I read anything into the fact that she found me on Facebook first? She sent the first message? She invited me to meet up in IOM?

This is the girl I was accused of having an affair with, an accusation that ultimately caused me to get divorced. Ironically, nothing happened until AFTER I had seperated from my wife. In truth, it wouldn't have mattered if it was before or after we went our seperate ways because she is one of only two people in this world I would ever think about leaving someone for...

Hope I can get back to IOM soon

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