December 15, 2007

Mystery of the Walk to Work

Drunkeness level 0/5

I had a bizarre sensory mystery to solve this morning. Something had changed on my walk to work, but for a while I couldn't put my finger on what it was. Everything SEEMED the same, but I could sense there had been an alteration to my daily routine.

TASTE: Well, I could elimnate taste almost straight away. I never eat breakfast, so the only taste on my walk is minty toothpaste. No change there today.

TOUCH: Another sense I could eliminate immediately. I only ever touch the lining of my coat pockets, and due to the below zero temperature, my hands were well and truely buried. At the office I touch the front door and my keys, but I knew there was something odd BEFORE I got that far.

HEARING: This was a possibility. The traffic was more subdued than normal, so maybe I was hearing a new sound. I listened, but no...just traffic. The cold air seemed to be muffling the sound somewhat, and being Saturday there was less traffic anyway, but it wasn't out of the ordinary.

SIGHT: Was I seeing something new? Or maybe there was something missing. All the buildings were still standing. No trees had fallen over in the park. The last of the fallen leaves had been swept up, but I was expecting that. The only shop I pass was still open for sandwiches as usual. I even checked for moved traffic cones and road signs, but all seemed normal. The billboards near the railway were still advertising Lurpak butter and the Bon Jovi concert.

SMELL: Recently, smell hasn't been one of my overly used senses, due to the fact I seem to have a permenant cold, but was there a new aroma on my walk today? Or maybe a smell I associate with the walk had taken a day off. Traffic fumes as normal for the first part...check. Cooking bacon and sausages from the sandwich shop...check. A clean, 'autumnal ' smell from the park...check. More traffic fumes for the last leg of my short journey...check. WAIT, back-up. THE PARK!

I now knew what it was. Someone had been through the park and cut all the lawns. Every inch of the grass had been mowed. There were remenants of the cuttings on the path and the whole area was filled with the lovely fresh smell of newly cut grass. It's a lovely aroma, but I've never associated it with the week before Christmas.

On a crisp December morning, the smell of lawn trimmings was a wonderful way to start the day. I'm also glad my detective brain had the 'sense' to sort out what was different, otherwise I would never have got any work done today!

..Hope the smell is still lingering by the time I walk home.

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