December 13, 2007

Female friends

Drunkeness level 0/5

First day back at work after a few days off. Nothing's changed!

I realised something to myself whilst I sat on the train yesterday watching tree after tree whizz by.... I know why I'm single, and destined to always be single for a long time.

Amongst my circle of friends, I would only class a small handful of them as 'close'. These 'close' friends are almost exclusively female. I suppose I put this down to the fact that I try to treat women with a bit of respect, and in return females often confide in me - tell me things they wouldn't be prepared to tell another male. Women are prepared to ask me for a 'man's perspective' knowing I'll give them an honest, straight answer. The same applies in reverse. I can open up talking to a woman (almost any woman), and her comments back always seem to come with sincerity. It doesn't matter if they're under 16 or over 60, women just seem to care. It's something you can't rely on with male friends.

If I told my innermost worries or desires to a bloke, they would probably crack a joke, slap me on the back, tell me 'to get a life' and then buy me a pint.

..but this is why I'll always be single. If I continue to hold women with any kind of respect, I'll always be destined to have a growing circle of friends, and a shrinking 'little black book' of phone numbers. Making friends with women is not going to get me anywhere. If I meet a new female now, it's going to be impossible for me to treat her like shit, and consequently it'll be impossible for me to ask her out. As soon as I do, I'll hear those immortal words "We can't go out together, I value you too much as a friend". Meanwhile, some low-life chav or reject from the Planet of the Apes turns up, dragging his knuckles across the floor and before you can say 'Neanderthal' I'm invited to their wedding!

Then again, on the brighter side, I'd prefer to have a nice circle of close female friends and no girlfriend, than no friends at all and a girlfriend who doesn't love me. A warm affectionate hug is worth a thousand cold kisses.

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