November 22, 2007

Things to look forward to

Drunkeness state 0.5/5

It's been a long first month in Southampton. I've tried to make the most of the little free time I've had, but so far, all I've managed is one trip to the cinema (American Gangster, V.Good) and a trip to Lingfield Racing. Normally that would be high up on my list of nice things to look back on, but it's because of Lingfield Park's stupid dress code that I crippled myself in new shoes!! I did develop a crush on Kelli behind the bar at the track though, so it wasn't all bad :o)

So, what things do I have planned in the immediate future I can mentally diarise and look forward to? First up is a football game on Saturday afternoon, Southampton vs Blackpool. I've developed a soft spot for the seasiders since I got to go and see them last year, and was really pleased they got promoted. Unfortunately, I'll be sat in the middle of the SOuthampton supporters, so I'm going to have to keep my celebrations internal if Blackpool score!

Second, is my first trip to the Mayflower theatre. Dec 7th to see Wizard of Oz. Normally I would think twice about going to what is billed as a 'family show' (glorified pantomime really) but it's got a decent cast, and more importantly, I get to see how the Mayflower compares to the Gaiety. God I miss the Gaiety!

Next on the mental agenda is a trip back to IOM to see my best friend (and any other old faces that happen to be in the pub at the time!) Can't wait to see her, I miss her like mad. After that, I spend two days with my family in Manchester. Must remember to go Christmas shopping BEFORE I travel, because this will be the only time I see them before the festive period. 2 days should be long enough to see everyone, and short enough not to row with anyone. :o)

After that, I have the pleasure of Monja's company for Christmas and New Year. I'm so grateful I won't be on my own. I was dreading spending the first Christmas here alone. Somehow, having Christmas dinner for one, in a Sushi restaurant just wouldn't be right. I bet I end up cooking the dinner too!

In the New year? Well in April I've got another show at the Mayflower, and French & Saunders Live the week after. Just realised I have nothing planned from January to Easter...better get my thinking cap on. Hopefully I'll pursuade someone to come and visit me. Ant said he wanted to come over, and I'm sure Jackie will eventually (as long as we can get her a new job ASAP).

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