November 22, 2007


Drunken level 1/5. Strange day today. Woke up and swung my feet out of bed to go to the bathroom. My heavily blistered heels both 'cracked' but I thought nothing of it (just thought they had healed over a bit during the night). On the way back from the bathroom, I noticed two trails of blood leading all the way back to my room. Both blisters had decided to bleed on me! Thankfully all the floors in the flat are laminate, so I can easily wash it off (blood is a bugger of a stain to get out of carpet). I'm still in so much pain, but no one seems to care.

Quiet day in the office, partially due to the mid-week European fixtures, and partially due to American Thanksgiving Day.

Noticed last night that bar staff around here are completely incompetent. It doesn't take much to serve the person who's been waiting the longest, rather than the person stood closest to the till. It's not the first time this has happened this week. That ranks about number 4 on my top ten list of pet peeves.

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