November 23, 2007

The long weekend

Drunkeness Level 3/5. Tiredness level 2.5/5

Yesterday was my one month anniversary in Southampton. No one noticed. Mike left for his usual weekend back home a day later than usual, which I thought would shorten my time alone.... it hasn't. He's not due back til Wednesday. So here starts a set of 4 days of 14 hour shifts on my own.

I realised yesterday, that if it wasn't for the check-out girl in the Express Tesco, or the bar staff in the pub next door, I wouldn't actually open my mouth at all. Even taking them into account, my entire vocabulary around the weekend consists of nothing more than "cheers hun" or "pint please mate".

Thankfully, this weekend I have the footy game tomorrow to break up the monotony, but unless the players feel the urge to talk back to me when I shout at them, I can't see me engaging in intellectual conversation anytime soon.

I did have one of those surreal moments today. 2 of my previous 'relationships' came back to haunt me at the same time. K (known as broom room girl) suddenly joined Facebook, and added me as a friend and C (South African girl) Sent me a message on the same website even though I've not heard from her in months. You'll notice 'relationships' is in inverted commas....Seperate story, which I'm sure I'll share with my blog in the near future.

I miss K.......

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