November 25, 2007


drunkeness level 3.5/5

OK, to save you the time of looking it up in the dictionary, it's the irrational fear of clowns. It's not that I'm 'afraid' of them as such, I just don't see the point of them. At the circus as a child, I'd be in awe at the high-wire act, jealous of the jugglers, amazed at the acrobats and fire eaters, but the clowns? Was I supposed to laugh when the doors fell off his car, or their flower squirted water into the other clown's face? Where is the talent? Where is the years of training the rest of the circus troop had to go through? Covering your face in a mask and wearing a wig for a living should only be done by thespians and bank-robbers.

Actually, I suppose I do have a little bit of a fear of clowns, but I put that down largely to reading Stephen King's IT and then watching Tim Curry portray Pennywise so brilliantly in the TV film version. Couple that with the film 'Clownhouse' and the video for 'Mr Sandman' (see youtube link) and you'll see my fear is not exactly irrational. Clowns have no place in modern society and should all be put out to pasture.

Rant over

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