September 11, 2009

Got the Inglorious Basterd!

No, it's not a reference to Tarantino's new epic Nazi kiling movie. The winged carrier of pain and sorrow is no more. I finally caught the mosquito that's been terrorising my nightly slumber.

Perhaps I'm harsh calling it names. After all it was a female and it was only doing what it felt came naturally, but there was no way I was going to let this critter live to see another dawn.

Round one. Feb this year. The mosquito won and I still have the scars on my lilly white legs to prove it.

Round two. April time. A new venue, a new mosquito, but still the flying ones got the upper hand.

Round three. A few days ago. My own apartment. Home turf, and yet still I awoke to find my body covered in red, itchy blotches. If this had been a real boxing match my trainer would have been over the ropes throwing a towel into the ring. I had nothing left to give. My fight was over.....

...but this wasn't an ordinary fight. This was like all the Rocky Balboa movies put together. I was bloodied, I was battered. I was a broken man, but from somewhere, god knows where, I found a final punch. One last blow. A do or die swing....

Round four. Mosquito spotted on the wall beneath my table. A barrel roll across the bed to grab the can of insect spray. A mist of poison fills the air as I push the button. She flies, she stutters in mid-air. She crashes to the floor. Still fighting for life but unable to muster the energy to get airborn. One last blast of aerosol and she is no more.

My legs and arms my never recover from the battle I have fought over the past few days, but tonight, I will (for the first time) sleep soundly. Safe in the knowledge my room is bug free....

...Unless this is like the Jaws movies and she's summond up her entire family to take revenge on me!

p.s. I apologise to any Buddhists, or naturalists who may take offence at the light-hearted way I have spoken of my exploits despatching the mosquito. I mean no offence. If you could share the pain and suffering I have been through (and am still going through on a 24 hour basis) I hope you'll understand.

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