August 01, 2009

Three Weeks to Go. The Countdown is on.

Welcome to August. In exactly 21 days I leave Southampton for the last time and go up to Manchester for a few days. From there, it's on to sunny Malta. 3 Weeks. So much to do, so little time...

...and so little enthusiasm.

That's not that I don't have enthusiasm for other things. Looking forward to a very quick break in the North-West for a race meeting. The Norwich quiz reunion is now official (well my train ticket is booked, so it's official as far as I'm concerned) and I might even be able to organise a mini-work night out to 'celebrate' the Southampton office closing and me setting off.

But what do I have on my list of things to do? Buy luggage is one thing. Get some cardboard boxes to pack into (there are some in the office, but I just keep 'forgetting' to take them home). I need to get a key cut for the flat. No, correct that I need to find out where I can get a key cut first, then get a key cut for the flat. Then of course there is the process of getting the flat tidy. Despite it's small size that will be a major operation. I should change my middle name to Procrastination.

Reality bites. I'm still a bit numb really, taking each day as it comes, rather than knuckling down and getting on with it all. Still have last bills to sort out for the electricity and council tax (I think) ...

...and don't even get me started on my lack of love life!

1 comment:

Jackenorie said...

Love Life will happen in Malta! Practice patience and good things will come to you :)) xxx

Oh and start concentrating on the good things that come with moving! New beginnings :) New people :) New place :)