July 14, 2009

It's a Date

Ok, I've set the ball rolling. I've come up with an official date for moving to Malta, and told my boss to get my flight booked.

Tuesday 25th August.

What this means in real terms is I can now set a calander of things that need to be taken care of before I move. Top priority is getting the flat straight (it's a disgrace) and telling the landlord I'm going. I have a weekend away in three days so as soon as I come back, I'll give him a call.

I also need to get a police report and track down my original birth certificate. Bit annoyed about this one really. I agreed to move to Malta a long time ago, and had to get a police report for the quiz show. Now he tells me I need one for working in Malta. If only I'd been told when I first agreed to move I could have saved myself a lot of hassle. Price of the certificate has gone up by an extra three pounds too. Grr

On a personal note, and this one can probably wait until August, I need to buy a whole new set of clothes and at least one pair of sandals. Last time I wore sandals I was probably six years old and small enough to fit in your pocket. I'll need a few pairs of shorts too, but I can guarentee they will be the combat style ones that come below the knee and cover as much of my strange legs as possible.

Then it's a case of being ruthless with my things and throwing out anything that is just gathering dust. It's amazing how much stuff I made the effort to bring from the Isle of Man to Southampton, but have still not been used. Anything that hasn't seen the light of day since I came to the south coast is going in the bin - and that will include a lot of clothes (although old jumpers and t-shirts do make good packing material, so they won't all disappear).

Had a bit of bad news about the move, but I was sort of expecting something like this to happen. When I originally agreed to move I was given a new salary. (quoted in Euros). This offer hasn't changed and it's still an attractive incentive (even though the pound is slowly getting stronger, making my new euro salary worth less and less). Sometime after the offer, the boss introduced a new policy wherin Sunday hours are paid double. I've been earning overtime for the past few months and it certainly helps a lot. When I move to Malta however, the double pay will stop. Not for everyone, just for me. I kind of knew he'd find someway of lowering my income, he often makes little comments about how much I get paid, but ther eis still a alrge cash benefit to moving, even without the overtime.

Think that's it for now. Time for people to start organising their Malta holidays to come and visit me....

...but let me find my own apartment first!

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