May 11, 2009

We're All Off to Wem-ber-ley

Ah, the return of the prodical son, only a week since my last visit there. Why was I going back? The best opportunity to see my new TV chums.

I arrived outside the studio at exactly 5pm. As luck would have it the crowd had just finished their last recording of the day as well. It was perfect timing. From that point it was drinks in the hotel bar, drinks in the local pub, kareoke, stupid drinking games (ok I admit, some of that was my fault) and finally crashing out on a friends hotel room floor.

Highlights? Possibly singing 'Living Next Door to Alice' and having the entire pub join in with the chorus - even people as far away as the pool room. It sends a tingle down your spine when moments like that crop up.

Saddest moment was the following morning. I walked back down to the studio with a few of my closer pals, but as we said our goodbyes and they ducked into the building, I had to carry on to Wembley Park Tube station to begin my journey home...alone. It didn't help my iPod had run out of battery either.

I'm still in touch with them all daily online, but nothing compares to face to face contact. Shaking hands, hugging, even the odd peck on the cheek. It all helps to warm the heart.

...Autumn reunion, here I come!

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