May 07, 2009

Southampton: Happy to say goodbye

I'm not sure what kind of impression I gave when I first moved here, I suppose I looked at it through rose-tinted glasses, trying to find the good in the city, knowing I was forced to be here. An over-heared conversation this lunchtime sort of sums up the city I have come to know, and why I am happy to put it behind me.

I didn't start work today until 2pm, so I came in early to have a pub lunch next door to the office. As usual, after my feed I took up residence at the quiz machine, which is now tucked away in a back corner next to a 'booth' style table. Sat around it today were three females and one male, and judging by the ongoing conversations they were all students who were coming to the end of their academic year.

Two females were talking first. The gist of the conversation was as follows: (you have to imagine the fake southern accents they all seem to gain, plus the high pitched giggles and shrieks that each sentence is punctuated with).

(I also apologise if anyone finds this conversation offensive. Just trying to make a point about the state of the city)

Girl 1: Did you see Marcus last night?
Girl 2: Which Marcus?
Girl 1: You know...Marcus?
Girl 2: Oh you mean Marcus? Yeah, saw him in The Square. F**cked him in the bogs but that was about it.
Girl 1: Didn't you take him home this time then?
Girl 2: No, I had my eyes on that bloke at the bar in Flares.
Girl 1: Did you get him then?
Girl 2: Yeah, well F*cked him in the bogs as well, but didn't feel like taking him home.
Girl 1: I just got hold of James as usual. Gave him a BJ then took him home for a F*ck
Girl 2: F**k knows the name of the bloke I took home. He was pretty fit though. F**ked all night.

At this point, the bloke at the table got a phone call. Obviously I could only hear his side of it:

Boy 1: Hey w**ker, where are you, we're in the pub?.....What time?.....Ok....well might see you later then.

Girl 1: Is he coming down then?
Boy 1: Not right now, apparently he got the sh*t kicked out of him last night and he's still in hospital, but he might come down later.
Girl 1: Is he still up for Sunday though?
Boy 1: Forgot to ask.

As calm as that. Not once did I hear one of them ask what happened or if he was alright.

...I could weep.

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