March 20, 2009

New Horizons

I've had my bonus, been promised a payrise and confirmed I am taking over the flat on my own....

..but I also got something else I wasn't expecting.

I met up with the boss on Wednesday and as promised he had a cash bonus for us all. Differing amounts for each person, based on experience and work performance (apparently) which meant I received the lions share. It fell right in the middle of the two figures I had in my head, the highest I imagined it would be, and the lowest I thought he could get away with. Certainly not an amount to sneeze at.

He also paid me a back-handed compliment. He commented that my own shifts on the rota seemed to be the worst, and that I shouldn't do it just to make the rest of the team happy. He then said though that the shops in Germany (the betting shops I do the work for) know when I have done an early shift because the work is always better, more complete and input faster than if someone else has been in since dawn. I wonder why he never bothered to tell me that before? Doesn't he realise compliments help keep morale up and improves performances?

But there was something else, something I wasn't expecting. When we got onto the subject of the flat he suggested I could always move to Malta. I always knew that if I said I wanted that, he would bend over backwards to allow me (the more staff he has over there, the better it is to keep the authorities happy). He made me an offer - an offer I can't refuse as Marlon Brando would have said.

All moving expenses covered by the company.
First month would be rent free (in the staff flat) while I look for my own place.
...and most importantly, a minimum of 1,000 NET per month extra on my salary.

Ok, I'd be paid in Euros, and if the pound gets it's value back it would mean my salary would be going down month by month, but it would take a long time before it was at the level it is currently at.

..I can refuse it though - moving to Malta is a big step. I'm not sure it's what I want to do. I may not like Southampton that much, but I do like being in the UK. My family is here, and I'm closer to IOM for my friends. I have people I want to visit more often in Bournemouth and Wigan, and happiness can be far more important than money sometimes...

...I'll keep you all posted.


Anonymous said...

DO IT! MOVE! I think you don't get opportunities coming along much in life and each one you have to grab. If it turns to be the wrong move, you can always come back. But it's definitely always worth giving a go. The IOM is not going anywhere and nor are your friends. Carpe diem!!! x x

Anonymous said...

Ok I'm on a mission now... look at the advantages. Debt plays a big problem at the moment in your life... why not go and give yourself a time limit, say 6 months, that will give you 6 months of extra money to save, and if at the end of it you're not happy there or believe you have made the wrong decision, come back to the UK/IOM and reevaluate... 6 months out of your life to try something different and new is NOTHING and all you will gain is experience. Who knows what will happen out there, you will meet people, it could possibly be the best decision you ever made, you will never know if you don't go. Nothing will change over here and you can always visit your friends in Wigan/Bournemouth/Iom/family whenever you like... give it a go, I really believe you should try it hun, it's an exciting opportunity. The more you sit and think about the negatives or reasons not to go you will find hundreds of them an never do anything. xxx

Of course I could be completely wrong and it could all be a total fuck up! But so what?! xxx

Anonymous said...

And you are absolutely right about happiness being more important than money - it ALWAYS is, money isn't of any importance - but if you can say you are truly happy with your life now and things can't get any better, I'd say stay - but I don't think that's the case xx