January 03, 2009

Warning, Adult Content. Parental Advisory.

This story has a kinky end to it. People of a religious upbringing should skip passed this entry.

Picture the scene. I'm on the train back from Manchester to Southampton. At first I was worried it would be crowded because of the light aircraft crash in Stafford, but that was ok. What I did have to begin with was a train full of Notts Forest fans returning to the Midlands after thrashing Man City in the FA Cup.

No need to worry though, they were great fun, and had all disappeared by the time we left Birmingham. In fact the entire train has diassappeared except for a couple in the seats opposite mine and one girl right at the other end of the carriage. This tale involves the couple opposite...

Well, one seat foward of me on the opposite side if you want a full picture.

They got on at Birmingham International. Late 20's possibly a bit older. Both in waterproof coats with rucksacks and strange hippy wollen hats. How much protection can a wooly hat give you in the rain? They definately weren't brother/sister, but I didn't check for rings so no idea if they were married. With me so far?

The lady slipped into the window seat, the gentleman did all the honorable things. Took her rucksack and coat, put them on the overhead luggage rack. He took out some homemade cheese and pickle sandwiches for her and a Capri Sun orange drink (God I'm good at details!). When the train pulled out of Oxford, he started to pack up, obviously they were getting off at the next stop....

...At this moment he stretched up to bring down their rucksacks and a black glove fell out of his pocket. It landed right where his feet had been. Now normally I would have mentioned it, but I had my earphones in, and they weren't going anywhere for at least 10 minutes, so I left it, in the vain hope he'd spot it himself. When he sat down again he put his foot right on top of the glove!

We approached the next station (think it was Leamington Spa), and they both stood up, picked up their rucksacks and walked passed me to the exit of the carriage. I lent forward, stretched down to where he had been sat, and picked up the black glove, let it unfold in my hand and turned to get his attention....

In the split second of me turning round and the glove unfolding, with me holding it out in front of me in the aisle, I realised it wasn't a black glove..... it was a woman's cotton thong. Quite a sexy one too :o)

So go on, what would you do? You are now holding a pair of sexy black knickers. You've got a few choices:

1. Alert the bloke with "Excuse me, you've dropped this." You then find out it doesn't belong to his partner, a fight ensues between the two of them and there is blood shed.

2. Same as above but it DOES belong to his partner. She's now so embarrased a fight ensues between them and there is blood shed.

3. Say nothing, but be left holding a set of ladies underwear.

4. Say something, but he denies they are anything to do with him, and you're left feeling red in the face and still clutching the knickers.

Ok, made your mind up? I chose option 3, but it doesn't end there....

As my brain decided to kill the situation I turned back round and scrunched up the underwear. The girl at the far end of the carriage was leaning into the aisle, watching the whole affair! I swear I saw her giggle. So what became of the knickers I hear you ask?

Well my first reaction was to shove them in my coat pocket to dump in a bin at Southampton station. Trouble is, stations don't have bins now (because of terrorist threats) so they were still in my pocket when I got back to my flat....

....They are in the kitchen bin now :o)


Anonymous said...

Lynsey says your a liar and they are not in the bin

Ali said...

What a wonderfully elaborate story to explain the fact another woman's knickers have been found in your flat. Don't believe a word of it! ;)