October 23, 2008

October 23rd

Does today's date mean anything to anyone? If it's your birthday, then 'Happy Birthday'! Anyone else?....

Well, it was on this day in 1739 that Britain declared war with Spain. The war later became known as 'The War of Jenkin's Ear'

In 1987 on this day Lester Piggott started his 3 year jail term for tax evasion.

In 2001 on this day the first ever Apple iPod went on sale.

and in 2007 on this day I started my new job in Southampton.

Yes, it's exactly one year ago to the day that I packed my bags, jumped on a train and moved to the south coast. What a year it's been. There's been tears, laughter, experimental cooking, quiz machines, missing lightbulbs, my first trip to The RoseBowl and to St Mary's, new staff, pubs closing and re-opening, finding a new girlfriend and losing her again, meeting up with old friends, growing a beard, overdosing on Midsomer Murders, adopting Bob the Triffid, having my first ever Christmas dinner in a restaurant, making my first ever trip to Ireland, starting a novel...the list goes on!

Who knows what the next 12 months has to offer. Malta is back on the agenda, but not until the New Year. I hope to have my book finished and who knows, maybe I'll be working on the sequel...

...Happy anniversary me!

(p.s. The pic is Bob as he is now. Still looking healthy, with two flowers and two more on the way.)

1 comment:

Ali said...

Happy Anniversary! Just catching up on your blog - get working on your book and stop slacking! xx