October 27, 2008

Kitchen Concoctions Part II

I've been down south for over a year now and I haven't once made the effort to cook myself a Sunday dinner. It always seemed like too much hard work just for one person....

... Well I have now!

I finished work at lunchtime yesterday and nipped into the little Tescos near the office to pick up something for lunch. I didn't have any pre-conceived ideas of what to have, I suppose I was just going to pick something out of the freezer section. Then I spotted a pork joint.

It was sat on a shelf in the chiller, looking really lonely. The price had been reduced to clear because the 'best before' date was fast approaching. It was a nice size, would have been enough to serve at least 4, and it was good value. I popped it in my basket without a second thought and moved towards the checkout.

TOP TIP: You should never buy food on the spur of the moment. It was only while I was queueing up I realised I didn't have anything to serve with it, nor did I think I had enough kitchen utensils to cook it with. I ducked out of the queue, and went over to the fruit and veg. I knew I had a few spuds back at the flat, and frozen peas, so I picked up some carrots as well. That'll do won't it? Pork, potatoes and two veg.

And so we get home. Time to work out what kitchen equipment I'm lacking. I don't have a proper roasting pan, but my grill pan will do, (with the grill part removed of course). With that in use for the joint, the spuds will have to be boiled or mashed. No chance of making my lovely roasties this time. I have pans for the veg so we're all set. I did make the school boy error of putting a tiny bit of oil in the roasing tray to try to help prevent the joint form sticking. After about thirty minutes of cooking, the kitchen was filled with acrid smoke. Good job the air vent works!

Actually, there's not much else to tell. The meal turned out superbly (even if I do say so myself). The pork was cooked just right, still very moist throughout. The crackling on the top was so crispy it almost shredded the roof of my mouth! The carrots were timed well too, slightly al dente, still full of flavour. With the potatoes I decided to go with mash. After boiling them I added a little bit of butter, salt and pepper for seasoning, some oragano and lightly mashed until the lumps had gone....

...any one for leftovers? I have two thirds of a pork joint to finish now.

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