September 17, 2008

SAS Survival Guide

I'll need to become a canny shopper. I've got to make £10 last 10 days.

Ok, a bit of background. Normally I begin each month with a Tesco delivery. Fill up the cupboards and freezer, providing me with enough sustinance to last the rest of the month if I should run out of cash. This time however I started the month in Norfolk, and by the time I returned I didn't have enough spare funds to justify the supermarket paying me a visit.

As of yesterday there are 10 days to go til pay-day and I have exactly £10 to my name. In the cupboard I have the following:

2 packets of Chicken Super Noodles
2 tins of baked beans
1 tin of mandarin orange segments in a light syrup
Quite a bit of Tesco value pasta
Salt and Pepper

In the fridge I have:

2 litres of sparkling spring water
half a bottle of Robinson's orange cordial
a tiny bit of margerine
a tiny bit of mayonnaise (although it has probably gone off by now)
2 eggs (but they've been there a while)
1 bottle of Bombay Sapphire Gin
1 bottle of slimline tonic water with lime.

The freezer:

Some oven chips (about enough for one serving)
Frozen peas (almost a full packet)
1 ready meal beef curry and rice
half a bottle of vodka

The bread bin:

2 crumpets
tiny bit of malt loaf

So there you go. On top of that I have £10 to spend. Last time I went to the Co-op the Super Noodles were on offer at 25p a packet. They can be a meal in themselves (even if they are a bit boring). I can also make a mix of pasta and peas. I'll need to see if I can get some cheap tins of meatballs in tomato sauce to go with it. It's not going to be easy, but I've coped with worse.

I should point out that I only listed the alcoholic items for completeness. They've been there a while and I have no intention of drinking any of them during this current fortnight. I am sticking to my alcohol free rule. Besides.....

....booze gives me the munchies, and I can't afford a take-away :o)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Geoff

Do you want a sub til the end of the month?

You can't write a book on an empty stomach.
