September 17, 2008

My Magnificent Octopus Part II

Ok, it's progressing, but I've hit a brick wall very early on. I've no idea what to call my detective.

It should be a distinctive surname, but at the same time it shouldn't be obscure. It should be easily remembered, but not because it's wierd. I'm also going to need a name for his second in command, but I haven't got that far yet!

Any suggestions greatfully received. If you need some background, he's an older man, over-weight and a heavy drinker. Trying to get to retirement with as little fuss as possible. (Well they say you should write about what you know!) I'm just about in a position to crack on with the opening chapter, but I can't do it without a name! Everytime I think of something that might work, it sounds too similar to an already established crime fighter.

I've tried going through a phone directory, my list of friends on Facebook, even reading the credits after TV shows. Nothing has leapt out at me. I need a flash of inspiration. If you can give me the perfect name....

....I'll dedicate the book to you :o)


Anonymous said...

where's he from?

Geoff said...

It's set in East Anglia. That's where he's from too. Only left the local area for a few years when he was moving through the ranks in the Met. Does that help?

Anonymous said...

How about Detective Derek Philpott!!!

Anonymous said...

How about Bob Krake? The surname has a nice twist to it which i'll tell you about via facebook.

Anonymous said...

Neville Ford?
Jason Roberts?