September 09, 2008

The Lost Treasure of the Golden Fish Part II

The Days Out.

When we arrived in Wroxham, Caoihme and Sarah were suffering badly with a cold they had picked up from Sarah's brother. He had just returned from Afghanistan and brought a strange flu like virus with him. By the third day, I had it too, although now it has mutated into full blown Afghan Man Flu. That's probably not relevant, but thought I'd keep you completely upto date.

On the first full day of the holiday we took out a day boat. We cruised the waterways from Wroxham to Horning at a leasurely 4mph. At one point Sarah almost caused a bit of river rage by shouting 'Get out of the way fatty' at the top of her voice to another boat, but he didn't seem to hear her. We moored up outside the New Inn in Horning and had a few drinks, before setting off back to base. Sarah had a go at steering, but I wasn't filled with much confidence when her first words were 'Oh God, we're going to crash'. She did brilliantly though.

On the Monday we went to Great Yarmouth for the first of two trips. It was nice seeing it with someone else, as all the times I have been before I have never ventured near to the beach. I saw a whole different side to Yarmouth and it was lovely. An ice-cream on the sea-front, a visit to a delightful model village, picnic by the Pleasure Beach, it was all very relaxing and a wonderful day out. There is a large crazy gold course there, and a Sea-Life Centre we both wanted to visit, but as it was getting late we promised ourselves we would return later in the week.

On Wednesday we visited Norwich. The town centre was busy (and the car-park I chose to leave the car in was far too small for vehicles any larger than a Micra). We walked around the outside of the castle, rescued a sad looking tiger from a toy shop, and generally just wandered around.

Back to Great Yarmouth, but this time the weather was against us. We started out with a round of crazy golf at the Pirates Cove. A fantastic course, similar to the kind you see in America. Sarah proved that rugby is more her game as every shot she played involved the ball leaving the ground and sailing at altitude towards the hole (and the group of players in front of us!). We both really enjoyed it though, and managed to finish just as the heavens opened. A good excuse to visit the Sea-Life Centre. I haven't been to one before, but it was just as I imagined. Lots of big tanks, exotic fish and a tube you can walk through with the fish swimming overhead. Really nice place to visit though, if a little bit small. On the way back to the car we walked along the pier and I won a teddy out of one of those grabber machines. Probably a fluke, but I really impressed myself!

We called in at Horning again on the way back to the flat. Sat outside the Swan Inn watching the boats go by. It started to rain again, but sheltering under one of those big garden umbrellas we managed to stay dry. It was really peaceful and - dare I say - romantic....

...well it would have been if we had been a couple.

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