July 17, 2008


Another entry relating to my time off work! You'll be getting sick of these soon.

On the Sunday, Tara came to visit me. I haven't seen her for more than 5 years when she left the Isle of Man to relocate to Ireland. We worked together at HSBC for several years before that and always got on really well.

It was so lovely to see her again. The short time she was over just flew past as we reminised about old times and old friends. After a meal together in the local pub with Sarah and baby, We had the chance to stay out for a few more drinks in the evening, so we really made the most of the time we had. It was also the first occasion I'd been out in Southampton after hours since I got here, so that was an added bonus!

She left the next day, but hopefully it won't be long before I see her again. Could be a good excuse for a trip over to Ireland. :o)

She hasn't changed a bit. She was always a great friend and still is. I'm so glad she managed to track me down and make contact. Good friends don't come along very often, so it's important to hold on to them when they do.

She confirmed something for me too....

....my bed is impossible to sleep in successfully!

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