June 23, 2008

Resolutions Part II

If you're wondering where part one is, you'll need to head back to a blog entry from December 20th

As we are approaching the half-way point of 2008, thought I'd review how my 4 New Year's resolutions have held up.

1. Visit IOM as often as possible. - Happy with this one. I've been back as often as money and work would allow. When there, I haven't wasted any time, always met up with the friends I planned to. Had it's benefits too. If it hadn't been for the trips back, I wouldn't have got together with Sarah. 1-nil to me.

2. Take time away from alcohol - Hmmm, not easy to judge this one. Yes I have had spells where I haven't been drinking, but I don't think I've quite acheived what I set out to do. Need to work on this, but if you've read the previous post to this one, right now I'm not in a good frame of mind for being positive about myself. I'm afraid I've lost out on this resolution so far, so that makes the current score 1-1.

3. Get the train away from Southampton and explore. - Well I definately haven't kept up with this resolution....BUT in hindsight it wasn't a promise it would be easy to keep if I also succeeded with number 1 above. I HAVE been to the Isle of Wight with my parents, and I HAVE been on the train several times to get back to Manchester, but money and work commitments means any other trips would be hard to accomplish. I'm putting this one down as a no score draw, so it's still 1-1.

4. Keep Bob alive. - Big success here. Bob is alive and well and still staring out of my bedroom window. He has two new flowers and a multitude of lush, green leaves. I never took his girlfriend home with me, she still lives in the office, but as far as the resolution goes this one is a big success. 2-1 to me.

My report card would say: Good start to the year, room for improvement in the second half. Need to concentrate on the alcohol issue.

...Grade? C+ Good, but could do better.

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