April 17, 2008


It'd be wrong of me not to write an entry about Sarah. She's becoming more and more a part of my life, and at the same time she's getting closer and closer to becoming a Mum.

We've had long chats about the situation, about the baby's father, about us living apart. After all the linen has been washed at 40 degrees with seperate softener and hung out to dry, we are still together.

I have no fears about becoming a 'Dad' to someone else's child. I remember when I was a bingo caller my Mum once said she could see me taking on a ready-made family :o) Of course I do have some concerns, it's a very tricky situation, but we are open with each other about everything. Thankfully, we are both taking it slow and steady, and even in these early stages, we are both enjoying it - Well I certainly am, and she definately seems to be!

My next visit to IOM will be after baby is born, and I've already made arrangements to spend a little time with them both. We are also going away as a family unit at the end of the summer for a UK break. One of those situations that will either break us or bond us.

The important thing is, I have those butterflies. My face lights up when my phone vibrates with a text. I giggle when I see her name in my e-mail inbox. It's like being a teenager all over again.

She sometimes gets a bad press in IOM, but no one has taken the time to dig beneath the surface. Sarah-Jayne is a lovely woman, and I'm a lucky guy.

...she's a twin too, and thankfully, I get on well with her brother. God job really because he's in the RAF, and I bet he's got big friends he could call on!!

1 comment:

Ali said...

Hey you, just thought I'd call in and read your blog as promised. It was good to catch up and even better to hear you are in butterfly/teenage mode! I think that's great news and hope it all works out for you two, and the little one when he/she arrives! :o) You'd make a great dad and I reckon Sarah and bump are lucky they've got ya! I'm in butterly-mode myself at the moment, yippee! :o) And the ones who don't take time to dig beneath the surface are the ones stuck being shallow, f**k 'em! She sounds lovely. xxx