April 08, 2008

Death of a Friend Part II

This also follows on nicely from 'Fantasy Island', the previous blog entry to this one.

Pain: The Stone has officially closed

Pleasure: It has now changed to a free site available to anyone. The puzzles appear to be the same too

Pain: I had to re-register, so all my completed puzzles are no longer there and have to be resolved.

Pleasure: Something to do during the long, drawn-out midweek workshifts !


Jackenorie said...

Getting Stoned for Free??? Excellent - gives me something to do while being unemployed and waiting for all important phone calls!

Geoff said...

If you overtake me and end up solving more than me I'll be upset :o)

Jackenorie said...

I gotta start first - jeez give me a chance haha :)