April 09, 2008

Life is Crap

It's one of life's bitter ironies. I write a blog entry called 'Death of a Friend', and at the same time, a friend dies.

I've just found out that my old supervisor at the private bank I worked for has died of cancer.

Andrea was wonderful to work with. When she was training me, I thought she was really stern and had no sense of humour. By the time I left the bank 9 months later we were amazing friends. We both had the same taste in music and she also loved going horse racing. At that time, I was visiting race meetings about once a month and when I came back to work, she was always keen to find out how I got on and to find out what the track was like.

I know she backed me up behind my back to the bosses if I was a few minutes late for work, or took slightly too long for lunch. (although she always pretended she hadn't). She was really sympathetic to the fact I was having to work two full-time jobs. When I finally left, we kept in touch by e-mail right up until the end. She hated all my replacements at work, she once said none of them could match me :o) At one point when I was looking for work again, she arranged an interview for me back at the bank because she said she couldn't work without me! (well so she said anyway. )

The saddest news is that I've now found out she specifically asked her friend to get in touch with me to tell me she was dying when she found out it was terminal. She was concerned I'd be sending e-mails to her at work and she wouldn't be replying.

Andrea. You've been taken far too soon. I'll miss you x x

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