March 13, 2008

Roger Hargreaves

(To the philistines in the world, he is the creator of the Mr Men books)

In my time, I've been Mr Chatterbox, Mr Clever, Mr Clumsy, Mr Dizzy, Mr Forgetful, Mr Funny, Mr Greedy, Mr Grumpy, Mr Lazy, Mr Messy, Mr Nosey, Mr Quiet, Mr Silly, Mr Tall, Mr Worry and Mr Wrong - but not necessarily in that order :o)

..but today, I am a big, fat, yellow circle, with stumpy arms behind my back, short legs and a ridiculous grin. I am Mr Happy! I don't know why, there is no obvious reason, I have come into work with the joys of spring (even if the weather doesn't match my current temprement)

So, if you have bad news for me, tell me now whilst I'm in a good mood.
If you are feeling low, get in touch and I'll see if I can spread the sunshine

..hurry up, it never lasts! :o)

1 comment:

Ali said...

Just followed this link from your Facebook page. Am glad you are Mr Happy! :) Ali x