March 08, 2008

The Definition of Idiot Part III

Nearly 80 hours without alcohol, you'd think I would have learned to be less idiotic wouldn't you?

This time it's more definition of ignorance rather than idiocy, but it still makes me look like a Jim Henson muppet.

Throughout my life I haven't really come into contact with many dishwashers. We didn't have one at home, I didn't have one at University and I never had one at the various addresses I lived at in the Isle of Man. The one and only time I've ever had to use a dishwasher was at my last place of employment, but it was just a case of loading in mugs and the odd plate, putting a tablet in and switching on. I don't even know how they work. Does the water come up from below, or down from above? How is it possible to open the door in mid-cycle without flooding the carpet? It's all a mystery to me.

Now I have a dish-washer, but not many dishes to wash! The washing-up tends to get left until there are no plates to use (for once, it's not me being lazy, it's just common sense. I've never got enough dirty crockery to justify turning the thing on. We have to think about our carbon footprints now you know!!)

..anyway, a few nights ago I had a microwave Chicago Town meat combo mini pizza. You know the ones, they come with their own little reflective piece of shiny plastic, but the cheese still manages to run off the sides and all over the inside of the oven. Later that evening, I decided to have the other pizza in the box, and to save on the washing-up I used the same plate.

By now, the cheese and sauce from the original pizza had become dried on stains, and to make it harder to clean, I then proceeded to microwave them underneath the second pizza. By the time I'd finished eating, you would have need a hammer and chisel or an oxy-acetaline blow lamp to get them off.

...Last night, 2 days after my pizza feast, I decided to clean the kitchen and load up the dishwasher. The pizza plate was going to be an interesting experiment. My plan of action was to run it through the dishwasher cycle with the other plates, pots and cutlery, and if any stains were left I'd get them off by hand. Seem sensible so far? I popped the tablet into it's little cubby hole and to try and give the dishwasher a helping hand, I squirted a bit of Fairy Concentrated washing up liquid on the plate as well. It can't do any harm can it?

...oh yes it can! I left the washer going, and returned to Poirot on TV. The noise from the kitchen was quieter than I expected, but I assumed that was because there was more in the appliance this time. After a few minutes the sound changed again, there was gurgling and bubbling noises. Cautiously I returned to the kitchen, only to find soap bubbles popping out of the top of the washer, and suds creeping along the laminated floor towards me. I opened the washer door and found it full to the brim with sweet smelling lather. It would seem there is a reason you are only supposed to use tablets for dishwashers. I checked the bottle of Fairy and what was written on the side? "Caution: this product is not suitable for automatic dishwasher appliances" Oops

Thankfully no real damage was done. I let the washing cycle finish, cleaned up the suds with a towel and all was ok. The pizza dish was almost spotless and even the grill pan had come up a treat...

...but for putting concentrated washing up liquid into a dishwasher, I am once again a gold medal winning, world record holding, Olympic champion idiot.

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