March 20, 2008

Bizarre Feelings

For the last couple of days I've been feeling 'weird'. It almost feels like I'm in limbo. That's not a dark, mysterious limbo like in Dante's Divine Comedy, it's just a sense of being inbetween things with no immediate purpose. I'm not depressed or upset, I suppose the best way to describe it would be ' feeling lost'.

I've got plenty to look forward to. Football on Saturday, a trip back to IOM in less than a fortnight, chance to see my best friend, and to meet up with 'A' for the first time in about 5 years. Then there is French & Saunders Live at the Mayflower, my parents coming to visit which includes another theatre trip and at the beginning of May a third theatre visit, this time to see Nigel Havers in an Alan Bennett play.

Perhaps it's because there is SO much coming up, that I feel in limbo right now. I'm coming to the end of a long set of shifts and for over a week it's just been work, sleep, work, sleep ad nauseam.

I'm sure it'll change. It's not a bad feeling, just a sense of numbness.

...I'll just keep playing with my beanbags til it passes :o)

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