February 01, 2008

Valentine Day Massacre

drunkeness level 2/5 (I've been paid!)

The stupidest 'day' of the year rolls round again. Feb 14th. It should be renamed 'Clinton's Cards Day'. Any excuse to put pressure on ordinary people to buy plastic coated cardboard at extortionate prices. Jumping on the band-wagon is every restaurant, bistro and cafe in the western world. Suddenly their normal menu has red hearts drawn all over it and the prices have shot up 20%

Weird thing is, I've received genuine cards for the last 2 years. In 2006 I was dating 'J' from Widnes. in 2007 I was involved with 'K' the broom room girl and she sent me a card too. Considering I feel I've been single since I got divorced, that's quite impressive! In both cases I didn't have to fork out on a card for either of them. 'J' was worried her estranged husband would find it, and 'K' was worried her non-estranged husband would find it!!

It's unlikely I'll get a genuine card in 2008, bearing in mind I'm single, in a place where I don't know anyone and I'm not actively meeting new people. Then again, it'll be the third year in a row where I've not had to pander to the profiteering bastards at Clintons, so there's always a silver lining to every cloud.

Roll on Feb 15th when it's all over, the menu prices are back to normal and Clintons start putting cuddly Easter bunnies in their window instead.

...if you love someone, you show it everyday you are together. You don't need society to demand you do it on a specific day each year.

Rant over

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