February 14, 2008

The New Leaf

Ok, I've gone and done it. I've gone and joined an online dating agency. The fact that it's Valentine's Day is actually an unhappy coincidence, I just needed something to motivate me to meet new people locally.

I can't keep my head stuck in the past. I can't keep relying on the ultra-slim chance I might meet some random girl in the Isle of Man when I'm there, especially now I can only visit every couple of months. I need to start meeting random females here instead.

So, I've registered, paid for a months subscription, and gone searching through the database. I decided honesty is the best policy on my own profile, so rather than lie and say I'm Brad Pitt's long-lost twin brother, I implied I look like a human teddy bear. (except I usually wear trousers)

For a profile photo, I decided against using the front cover of last months GQ magazine, and instead, used the arty, sepia style picture of me next to a model boat taken last year. Brown and white pics can be quite flattering really.

So far, I've e-mailed one person, and 'winked' at another (not sure quite what that does, but I think it's the dating version of Facebook poking). I wait with bated breath to see if either of them respond.

One woman has already 'looked' at my profile, but I think it might have been done in error. She was looking for a fit, army type guy to share training exercises with..... hmm, not quite me.

The lady I e-mailed seemed lovely. Our outlook on life were similar, and what we were ultimately seeking by joining the agency was the same too. Biggest downfall could be that she listed 'brainiacs' as a 'turn-off'. I might need to lose the Stephen Fry-esque attitude (well at least for the first date!)

So there you go, me turning over a new leaf. Next step is starting to write my novel. I think I'd be better suited to write a play or TV script, but we'll see what pans out. If anything does come of the dating agency, (or the novel) you know you'll read about it here in due course.

....don't hold your breath though.


Jackenorie said...

Dont you dare loose the 'Fry-titude'!!!
Good move though - fingers crossed you'll meet a bunch of nice people :)

Geoff said...

I wish you'd learn to spell 'lose' :o) You know it'll be impossible for the Fry-titude to stay hidden for long :o)