February 21, 2008

New Leaf Part II

The New Leaf (well dating agency) is going slow. I've e-mailed about 5 ladies, 'winked' at 10 but so far, only 3 e-mails back in return.

Before you get excited, all three were from the US, all from non-US citizens, and all talking about marriage in the first paragraph. One of them even uses the on-line nickname 'Your-future-wife'. Now I'm not saying I'm not desperate myself, but that is taking it to the extreme.

So far I've resisted the urge to reply to them. I don't want a random Egyptian woman turning up on my doorstep with a suitcase in one hand and a marriage license in the other.

The 5 I've e-mailed all seemed really interesting. 2 of them in fact I would REALLY like to get to know better. We seem to have a lot in common. All I can do though is play the waiting game.

It's probably a good thing that it's taking a while. Right now I'm not in a fit state to meet anyone. I've got a streaming cold and keep sniffing in an undignified and unattractive manner. I also haven't got a day off due for nearly a fortnight, so it'd be hard to meet up with anyone even if I wanted to....

...but as the Guinness man said "All good things come to those who wait"

p.s. Completely off subject, I have a confession: Mum, I've got a tattoo, and I've had it for about 9 months. I love it, and am very proud of it. Only reason I haven't mentioned it is that I know you and Dad don't approve of tattoos, so it was easier to keep it secret than cause a scene. You would have found out eventually, so better I tell you than you find out some other way.

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