January 14, 2008

To Sleep Perchance to Dream Part II

drunkeness level 0/5

Thought I'd continue my dream entry from earlier this week by relaying the story of the strange visions I had last night.

I had set a car treasure hunt for several teams (think there were 6 groups in all, although I don't know who all the people were). We all met in the side room of a pub - the layout didn't look familiar to me, so it wasn't one of my usual haunts either past or present. I sent the teams off with their questions, and I remained in the pub alone. The bar area was visible to me through a narrow archway, but I never went to the bar. The furniture was quite old fashioned, and it felt more like a seaside cafe than a pub.

After a while, the phone rang and it was for me - it was one of the teams. Apparently one of the questions in the treasure hunt involved them calling this phone to obtain a code. I said 'it's 14' and then hung up. I also doodled a huge '14' on a sheet of blank white paper with a blue biro.

Later, my sister came into the pub and sat with me. She apologised for missing the start of the treasure hunt, and then read a newspaper.

It got later, and later and the pub closed and the lights were turned off. I remained sitting in the side room. No one doing the treasure hunt had returned, or got in touch with me. I opened the back fire exit to the pub and I was at the top of a high flight of stone steps. Looking down, the surrounding area was all cobbled, and there was a column in front of me. It looked very similar to Castletown square (but the stone steps would have been in the back corner of the square behind the bus shelter). It was twilight, dark blue sky and lit up by orange street lights.

There was someone I knew on the cobbles - not someone I can give a name to, but I reacted to them as though I knew them. It was someone who had been on the treasure hunt. I asked them why they hadn't come back to the pub, and he just said 'oh we gave up half way round and went to another pub' He then told me that all 6 teams had met up and been socialising at this other pub for most of the night.

I thanked him for the info, went back into the dark building, gathered up my papers and left via the fire exit. My sister was no longer there, but I don't know where or when she went.

....then I woke up.

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