January 13, 2008

QI versus the quiz machine part II

Drunkeness level 4.5/5 (it's been along day!)

This is an addition to a previous post. Two days ago, the quiz machine asked me 'what does the word "kangaroo" mean?'

Now, my limited random knowledge had heard a vicious rumour, that kangaroo was given it's name because it was the Abourigine word for 'I don't know', and that was one of the options available to me. I chose it, and it was correct. Hurrah!

...however.... I've just watched QI, series 1, Episode 7 and apparently that's a load of hogwash. Kangaroo is the same word as 'horse' in Abourigine.

Thankfully, I got to the quiz machine, before I watched that particular episode, otherwise it would have been 50p up the creek again!

....I think I might write to Stephen Fry and ask for the money he owes me from previous QI to quiz machine mismatches...

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