January 10, 2008

The pitfalls of being sinister

Drunkeness level 0/5 (hang-over level 4/5)

It would seem that me being a south-paw (left-handed in other words) has now been linked to schizophrenia. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/6923577.stm

In the past, being a lefty has also been linked to a higher accident rate in the home, shorter life expectancy and smaller than average sized genitalia (actually I made that last one up, but I need to find some excuse!)

We left-handed people are a silent minority who are discriminated against on an almost daily basis. Nothing on a large scale like bank-loans or job vacancies, but a whole basket-full of everyday tasks.

If you are right-handed, next time you peel a carrot or potato, try using the peeler in your left hand. Try using a handheld electrical item like a power drill that has the switches on the side. Try writing with a traditional nibbed fountain pen. Try writing the last cheque in a standard cheque book when there are 30 or 40 empty stubs still in the book. Try using a pair of kitchen scissors that have handles designed for holding all your fingers. Try using a traditional can opener. Ever noticed that computer mice are usually ergonomic? Only if you use it on the right that is. Which arm is your watch on? And if it's an analogue timepiece, would you find it as easy to wind up if it was on the other wrist?

...and funniest of all, try fanning out a hand of playing cards that only have indicies in two of the corners, the opposite way.

It's a minefield out there.

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