January 11, 2008

Bob the Triffid

Drunkeness level 0/5

I've had my firstly fatherly style concerned moment this morning. Bob the Triffid needed dead-heading.

I knew this day would come, but it was quite traumatic taking off the flower heads that were looking the worst for wear. His leaves and stems all seem very healthy, so I'm quite pleased with myself. It's been about 3 weeks so far, and he's still alive. He still has three flowers left on him as well, so he's not completely naked.

I turned his pot round 180 degrees this morning too, so his back can get a suntan for a while.

I'll keep you posted on future developments as and when they arise. I'll post a new portrait of him too next time he requires attention.

.....I wonder if he's lonely? Should I buy him a lady plant to chat to?