December 30, 2007


Drunkeness level 2.5/5

I don't consciously make resolutions just because the calendar moves up a number, but there are a few things I plan to do during 2008 (time off and money permitting)

1. Visit the Isle of Man as often as possible. Even if I make new friends in Soton, my long standing friends are still on the rock. When I left school, and later Uni, I was terrible at keeping in touch with people. I'm not going to make the same mistake again now I've left IOM. The intenet helps me keep in touch, but nothing beats meeting up with people in person. That's the only way I can get my hug level up :o)

2. Take more time away from alcohol. I know I drink too much, and it's not always social either. Sadly it seems to go hand in hand with loneliness for me. I will be making more of an effort to take a week or fortnight out every so often to give my liver a rest, reduce my beer belly and increase my bank balance. I've put on considerable weight since I came here, but it's not my eating habits. I seem to eat a lot less than I used to. The main reasons are less walking and more drinking. I can't do much about the excercise at the moment because of work, but I can watch what I drink when I'm on my own.

3. Use the train and get away from Soton. I get days off, but I'm lazy if I'm not motivated. I need to make plans in advance and go away for the day. See new places. I hardly know the South of England at all, and it's about time I got familiar with it. The train can be surprisingly cheap if you book in advance. Wouldn't mind nipping into London occasionally too. I really like visiting London (although I don't think I could live there)

4. Keep Bob the Triffid alive for the whole 12 months. This could be the hardest resolution of all as I've never been very green fingered. He's gorgeous though, and I've done ok so far. If I can manage that, I might buy him a friend next Christmas (or a goldfish)

So there we go. My 2008 mapped out. There are a few theatre trips to look forward to as well, and plenty of people promised to visit me too. As long as a few of them fulfil their promise it should be a good year.

Lots of Love and Peace to anyone who reads this.

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