December 23, 2007

A Good Night's Sleep

Drunkeness Level 2/5

I slept for a solid 6 hours last night. I think that's the first time in nearly two years. I think I also know why.

I had a phone call yesterday from a very close friend. My best friend. She probably doesn't realise what she did with what she said, but it made me go 'fuzzy' inside, and gave me a sense of inner peace.

Firstly, she called me 'cool'. I've NEVER been called 'cool' in my entire life. Not at school, not by ex-girlfriends, not by work-mates...never.

Secondly she said she misses me, without me saying it first. I know that sounds lame, but I'm so used to having to 'prompt' people into compliments or pleasantries. I had a running joke with "J" from Widnes while we were dating. She didn't know the phrase 'I love you', she could only say 'I love you too'.

Finally, she indirectly told me she trusts me. Describing going out drinking with a mutual friend she said it wasn't the same as going out with me because she couldn't trust him not to develop a crush on her. Going out with me was much more relaxed and fun.

I'm such a self hater, that I never take compliments to heart, and just assume there is a hidden agenda, but nothing said in that phone call was prompted, scripted or leading to anything else. It was just said off the cuff.

I smiled for the last few hours of work, went to bed, and slept well. Nothing to keep me awake this time.

Additional: It's likely that the friend in question is going to read this. Don't get big headed! You already knew I think you're the greatest anyway :o)

1 comment:

Jackenorie said...

I love you! Idiot :)
That blog put a tear in my eye and a smile on my face.